Friday Night Freak Show – Halloween III / Erik Void to DJ

October 20, 2017 @ 8:00 pm – 11:45 pm
Times Cinema
5906 W Vliet St
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Times Cinema

Halloween4We’re partnering with The Times Cinema to bring you another Friday Night Freak Show! Doors and DJ Erik Void spins at 8PM. Film’s at 9PM. All tickets are $5.

Perhaps one of the boldest sequels of any kind, HALLOWEEN III fiercely dispenses entirely with the Michael Myers mythos and instead embarks on a 90 minute journey of uninhibited nightmarish delirium set to one of John Carpenter and co-writer Alan Howarth’s most life-affirming synthesizer scores to date. (This movie will be played LOUD.)

The film is about a sinister corporation’s scheme to unleash mass death and destruction across the country with their tinkered halloween masks and trance-inducing television commercials. Carpenter delivers an incredible nerve-shredder that’s more in-line with a late-80s Stephen King novel than HALLOWEEN.

POSTED BY:: Sidney McCain