Local/Live: 5 Card Studs

December 9, 2014 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Todd Wehr Conference Center
1047 North Broadway
Milwaukee, WI 53202


(3-word description): Vegas-styled Schmaltzy “Entertainmentsplosion”.

Milwaukee’s Five Card Studs is the kitschy, Las Vegas-styled revue performing overthe-top versions of ’60’s/’70’s/’80’s hits from their ever-increasing playlist, putting emphasis on the A-sides (and B-sides) by the likes of Humperdink, Diamond, The Spinners and Tom Jones and literally running the gamut of songs from each decade.

Showing ace-musicianship whilst keeping their collective tongue firmly planted in-cheek, this five-man entertainment juggernaut with the somewhat recent addition of powerhouse chanteuse ‘Ms. Rocky Mountains’ give a performance that’s equal parts humor, house-party and all-out HOT.

The Studs return to WMSE’s Local/Live and newly to MSOE’s Todd Wehr Conference Center for their annual holiday performance, featuring crooning, swooning and plenty of holiday-glitzed classics and new favorites, wrapped up in an audio bow just for you, including WMSE’s personal favorite Studs re-imagining, “My Favorite Drinks”

Tune into WMSE or WMSE.org at the 6 o’clock hour for a live radio segment and set from MSOE’s Todd Wehr Conference Center or stop by for a free-to-the-public event at 1047 N. Broadway. Doors open at 5pm, live segment starts at 6pm with a special 30 minute holiday set to follow the segment, off-air, at 7pm.

POSTED BY:: Erin Wolf